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Khmer Prahuk
Prahuk (fish paste) is a very important ingredient in Khmer cuisine, it is very salty with a strong smell and is made from all kinds of fish. We have bone prahuk made from small fish, and meat prahuk made from large fish that have been stripped of their bones. Cambodians use it in soups or for sauces, it can be kept for when there is no fresh fish available or for people living in remote areas. We also donate prahuk, dried fish, rice, salt and other food to other people in areas affected by natural disasters. As the Khmer saying goes "no prahuk, no taste", it refers to food that tastes delicious. It can be eaten cooked or raw according to the preferences of Cambodian people. We can store it for up to one or two years, depending on the method used, and in a clean storage place.
The rice field The Rice Battambang is a good fertilizer land for growing the rice, it is many types of rice plant in the beautiful area. People grow rice two times a year, the Pkar Malis (jasmine rice) is a bowl of special quality rice and high price, it smells like a jasmine flower, smooth and light. Farmers grow Pkar Malis rice in the wet season and enough water pace for supplying. Contact Us
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